Juju Huang
Acting Senior Pastor
Pastor Juju Huang joined us in September 2023 as our Chinese Pastor. He is a graduate of the Logos Seminar. From 2010 to 2023 he was the Chinese pastor of Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles. Currently he is also serving as advisor and director in Greater Los Angeles Chinese Ministerial Association, Logos Evangelical Seminary and Ambassador For Christ. Pastor Huang is married to Jean and has a married daughter.
English Pastor
Pastor Eric joined us in March 2018. He was born in the US and graduated from University of Texas. Prior to joining ACBC, he lived and worked in Singapore for 16 years, including being the Acting English Congregation Pastor at Singapore Thomson Road Baptist Church. Recently he graduated from Gateway Seminary. He and his wife, Angeline, have two boys: Nathan and Benjamin. His personal interests include meeting people, discipleship, writing, football and watching movies.
Chinese Pastor
Pastor Ezra was born and raised in Gansu, North Western China. He graduated from Logos Seminary in 2017. He married his wife Esther in 2012 and they have two sons, Nehemiah and Timothy. He loves reading. Currently he serves in the Chinese Congregation ministering to young families.
Jing Chao
Children Ministry Minister
Minister Jing joined us in November 2019. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Psychology at UCLA and later earned her MACE from Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Her passion is to lead children to Christ and develop their spirituality with an integrative perspective of Scripture, theology and cognitive science. Currently she is also serving as an adjunct professor at Logos Evangelical Seminary and China Evangelical Seminary North America.
Brian Pan
Youth Minister
Minister Brian is a LA native and a graduate of UCSB. In 2017, his passion for his Chinese heritage led him to study abroad at Peking University and National Taiwan University. After working in the tech sector for a few years, God called Brian to a life of service to Christ's church. He is currently pursuing his M. Div at Gateway Seminary and serving our next generation for Christ's kingdom at our youth ministry. Fun fact: Brian is also a licensed chaplain and EMT first responder.
Rebecca McCort
College Ministry Director
Rebecca (Becca) McCort was born in Hong Kong and spent over twenty years in East and Southeast Asia. She is completing a Master's of Theological Studies with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before joining us in July 2024, she served in college ministry in two locations in Asia as well as in her home state of Georgia. Her interests include linguistics, ethnomusicology, and the transformative study of God's Word.
Josephine Hsu
Children Ministry Administrator
Josephine loves to be around children and her passion shines through when she is around them. Before she served as the Children Ministry Administrator four years ago, she served in the Children Ministry for over 10 years. Enrolling herself in seminary study led her to realize that’s her calling from God and she is truly blessed to receive the gift of love and patience for our children. She is still in seminary school to complete her Diploma in Educational Leadership.